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You can watch channels for as long as you wish.

The links of particular saved channels expire every 3 minutes.

You can subscribe to messaging services by sending the subscription keyword to the corresponding short code.

You can subscribe to messaging services by sending the unsubscription keyword to the corresponding short code.

The service charge varies from one service to another depending on the subscription type and the type of service.

The frequency of content SMS purely depends on the type of service. For example: You will receive daily alerts for Weather service, whereas for a breaking news service, you will receive a SMS alert only when a breaking news

You may select any of the packages: stc Postpaid 10 or  stc Postpaid 20 or Smartplans


Your free monthly credit allows you to use it the way you wish, whether to make local and international calls, send local and international SMS/MMS, download content and browse the Internet, or have a mix of all. For example, when you subscribe to stc Postpaid 20 you will instantly have BD 20 worth of credit, which you can spend on 2000 local call minutes, 1000 SMSs, even on MMS or Internet or mix them.


A flat rate means you enjoy the same call rate for calls to all local calls, whether to a stc number of another operator, any time during the day.


The free data bundle is a free monthly data that comes as part of your stc Postpaid package, which you can consume to surf the net, check your e-mails and download music

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