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Cloud Hosting features the following:
(A) On-demand Self-service: You can provision multiple computing capabilities as needed.
(B) Scalability: Cloud resources can be easily provisioned and released. To you, the resources available for provisioning appears to be unlimited and can be appropriated in any quantity at any time.
(C) Measured Service: Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use. Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider and the customer.


Yes. Send ASSIGN followed by ring code followed by the number of the other party to 128. Example: If ring code is 789 and mobile number is 33012030, the SMS is: ASSIGN 789 33012030

You can store up to 10 RBTs in the library

Yes. You can gift the ring tone to another stc subscriber by calling 122.

You can copy the RBT tune of the person you are calling by pressing # while the song is playing before the person answers the call. The charge of 500 fils per tone monthly applies.

You will only be charged once even if you press # many times during a single call.

# to copy works only if the other person you are calling is a stc subscriber.

If you haven’t received a message that your RBT has been set, you will not be charged for the same. You may try again.

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