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Yes, stc target objective is to use commercially reasonable efforts to make service available at 99.7% for any single link, and 99.99% for dual links.

stc CoS ranges from Real-Time that is catered for time-sensitive applications like VOIP and video conferencing to Time-Critical for video streaming and banks applications, Business-Critical for Oracle, ERP and other app, Best Effort that is catered for non-time sensitive applications like Email and Internet Traffic.

4G MPLS VPN service can be utilized for many types of applications such as Point-Of-Sale terminals, fleet management, CCTV, and the most useful application is to act as a backup solution for the main MPLS connectivity.

Secured traffic; where customer traffic is not going through the public Internet Network and hence will not be open to any external attacks like spammers or virus-based activities.

Unlimited threshold. stc offers unlimited usage with the 4G MPLS VPN service regardless of the speed.

Dedicated guaranteed bandwidth where customers are getting symmetrical speeds (Download speed is equal to the Upload speed) along with unlimited usage.

Yes, stc target objective is to use commercially reasonable efforts to make service available at 99.7% for any single link, and 99.99% for dual links.

Digital or IP-based protocols, i.e: ISDN PRI (Primary Rate Interface) or SIP (Session Initiation Protocol).

stc is offering various simultaneous calls options that range from 15 to 60 channels.

Yes, stc provides Business customers with both options; either with the voice service that connects your existing system with stc fixed voice network, or to bundle it with a new system based on your business requirements. Please contact your account manager for further information.

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